There is a difference between being broke and being cheap. Broke means that when you invite yourself to a girl's house to watch a DVD instead of taking her out, you bring an inexpensive bottle of wine. Being CHEAP means that after availing yourself of said woman's hospitality, you take the rest of your wine home with you!
Likewise there is a difference between being self confident and being an arrogant ass. Being self confident means you like yourself and you know what you have to offer others. Being an ARROGANT ASS means you feel the need to tell others, in detail, ad nauseum, exactly how much you like yourself, how much you have to offer, and what a great catch you are. It also means that you fail to notice that your repeated sexual innuendos are not welcome, that your sexual interest is not reciprocated, and that when you notice something amiss, it must be because the woman is "sexually timid" and/or a prude.
Gentlemen, please, note the differences!
There is a difference between being straightforward and honest and being blunt and negative. Being straightforward means that you don't lie, fabricate, falsify, gloss over, or sugar coat. Being straight forward in an online profile may read as follows:
"I'm a hardworking guy, who doesn't have a lot of time for a serious relationship."
Being blunt might sound like this:
"Ladies, I just want to get down. If you don't want to be physical then you shouldn't waste my time."
Honest, true, but both of those say essentially the same thing. One is polite. One is decidedly skeevy.
Being honest might go like this:
"If I send you a message, I would love a reply, even if it is to say thank you but not interested."
Negativity is more like:
"All the women here don't respond to emails. WHAT IS WITH THAT? RUDE OR WHAT? Just because I'm not some super rich jerk. All women want is money and gifts! "
I'll tell you one thing... if you start your conversation with me by saying how you have no faith in women, we're going to have a problem relating to each other, and I probably won't write you back since you've already YELLED AT ME (caps are a weapon people... unload your guns). Oh, and chances are that even though you're not super rich, you're likely still a jerk.
Come on people. Put your best foot forward. I won't lie, 95% of the dates I've had have been a let down... even the correspondence has been less than stellar. Some men don't reply. Maybe I'm not their type. Maybe they don't think I'm cute or funny or have great legs. Just because that's how they feel doesn't make them bad people, it just means I have to keep looking. The guy who told me "I'm bored with this conversation shit. Good luck out there" after 2 emails... maybe he wasn't the nicest person, but he blocked me so I'll never get to tell him to stuff it. Does that mean I'm going to put in my profile how if you don't want to email and you're just going to block me you're a jerky arsehole? Nope. My profile isn't about the jerks. It's about me. It's about how cute and funny I am, and about that one picture with the clearly visible great legs.
When I meet a guy I don't immediate inform him "guys tell me girls out there are bitches so I must be pretty awesome cuz I don't think I'm a bitch and I have all this other great stuff." I have a conversation. I ask questions and listen to answers, I answer his questions, I tell funny stories and inevitably do something clumsy and hope he finds it endearing, because I am honestly a klutz and better he know it now than later.
So why on earth would I want to sit across from a guy telling me what a great catch he is? (no, really he actually said "I'm a good catch".) Why would I want to listen to him make lecherous comments like "I like your legs, I wonder how far they would wrap around my waist."? Why would I be impressed by a guy who picked me up in his gym shorts and a stained t-shirt, parked using a handicapped sticker (that he no longer needs) so he didn't have to pay parking, let me buy my own $2 cup of tea and was too cheap to buy a coffee so drank stale water from a 2 gallon bottle while we sat in the park. If you need to tell me what a catch you are, chances are you aren't that much of a catch. Because I'm a good judge of character on my own. And that's the difference.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
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